It seems to me that the polar bear won't be "saved from extinction" if it is absorbed into the brown bear population. It will cease to be the polar bear. "Scientists estimate that polar bears diverged from brown bears between 250,000 and 130,000 years ago—a recent split when it comes to evolutionary history. Lasting genetic similarities make the two bears biological sister species, more closely related to one another than to any others." https://www.vitalground.org/polar-bears-grizzly-climate-change/#:~:text=Scientists%20estimate%20that%20polar%20bears,another%20than%20to%20any%20others. As the polar bear's habitat goes, so goes the species, another reflection of the decline of biodiversity globally (gracias al humano).

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FYI: The link to the peer reviewed article does not work.

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Appreciate the find, Frode. Updated the link, and included abstract in a footnote.

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