Polar Bears overcome Habitat Collapse with sexy ideas!
Arctic sea ice loss is real and rapid. That spells DOOM for the habitat of the majestic Polar Bears—but wait! Extinction meets a formidable opponent.
Intelligent, flexible Polar Bears can read the writing on the wall of ice. Friends are fighting for food, kids are whining, everybody’s hungry for seals. Polar Bears Notice, As One Does, Loss Of Habitat…
So these bears made a strategic move. An Elder Naturalist whose passion is fighting for the rights of Grizzlies1 tells Dr Guy McPherson, in a wide-ranging interview, the following:
“Up in the Arctic, where I have observers, the Polar Bears are racing inland. They’re eating caribou calves, and fledgling snow geese, and (I assume) sedges and grasses and the berry crop. And they’re joining grizzly bears.
They are interbreeding with the grizzly bears.
And of course their offspring is reproductive.[chuckle] The polar bears’ graceful way of [going extinct] is to fold their recessive genes back into the brown bear from whence they came, maybe 100,000 years BCE. Done this a couple of times at least.”
The hybrid offspring are “pizzly-bears”.
Pizzlybears win Darwin’s Award for reversing Extinction.
WOW! Crazy, what? This perceptive and eloquent Naturalist then mocks human intelligence, and suggests a funny path to accidental suicide—stick your head up your ass, and inhale until you’re dead. !! Coincidentally that Urban Legend kickstarted the Darwin Awards: I emailed ‘The Last Supper’ to newsletter subscribers in 1993. Too much cabbage for dinner, and a room with no air circulation…
Pizzly-bear—Happy Birthday, Hybrid Ursus
Polar bears—URSUS Maritimus—are racing inland, adapting to completely foreign habitat, and hooking up with the brown grizzly—URSUS Arctos horribilis. And more than one grizzled elder says so. Scientists present Peer Reviewed Research2 about this, the gold standard for scientific fact. Of course there also is misinformatics3 to contend with.
The result is cuddly pizzly-bears4 offspring. And this folding-back into the brown bears has happened more than once, amazingly enough, as the earth breathes the long slow cycles of ice ages. I want to read why scientists think it has happened multiple times. Likely genetic analysis.
Vanilla vs. Kink
Also I wanna point out a stupid-human angle. So many humans living in America are really uptight about anything weird in the world of sexuality and gender. Interracial marriage. Gay people. Transsexual people. Pleasure devices. Would their heads explode at cross-species romance? What a laugh! That kinky idea saves the Polar Bear species from extinction. They are up for anything.
Dedicated to: Prof Kaplan-Biegel in California.
NATURALIST: The quoted source is a Canadian Grizzly Bear researcher who has been grokking the ursine beings his entire life. But &$)($#!! I lost the link to the Guy McPherson interview, and need some help finding out whois Mr Canada Naturalist!
The evolutionary history of bears is characterized by gene flow across species
Vikas Kumar, Axel Jankea, et.al.
Bears are iconic mammals with a complex evolutionary history. Natural bear hybrids and studies of few nuclear genes indicate that gene flow among bears may be more common than expected and not limited to polar and brown bears. Here we present a genome analysis of the bear family with representatives of all living species. Phylogenomic analyses of 869 mega base pairs divided into 18,621 genome fragments yielded a well-resolved coalescent species tree despite signals for extensive gene flow across species. However, genome analyses using different statistical methods show that gene flow is not limited to closely related species pairs. Strong ancestral gene flow between the Asiatic black bear and the ancestor to polar, brown and American black bear explains uncertainties in reconstructing the bear phylogeny. Gene flow across the bear clade may be mediated by intermediate species such as the geographically wide-spread brown bears leading to large amounts of phylogenetic conflict. Genome-scale analyses lead to a more complete understanding of complex evolutionary processes. Evidence for extensive inter-specific gene flow, found also in other animal species, necessitates shifting the attention from speciation processes achieving genome-wide reproductive isolation to the selective processes that maintain species divergence in the face of gene flow.
MISINFORMATICS: And why not toss a stupid-human award to Dr. Thea Bechshoft, who reported in April 2022, Can Polar Bears ? The Short Answer: NO. Dr. Thea, you are mistaken.
NOMENCLATURE: URSUS Maritimus x URSUS Arctos horribilis = URSUS Arctos-Maritimus, very much like hyphenated marriage-surnames. I remember the-time-before that was a thing. With the rise of human consciousness that women and men are one species, and equal, we had to sort out the problem of what best to do when two humans married. Hyphenating, a portmanteau of the surnames, a new surname entirely, it was an exciting social tension!
FYI: The link to the peer reviewed article does not work.
It seems to me that the polar bear won't be "saved from extinction" if it is absorbed into the brown bear population. It will cease to be the polar bear. "Scientists estimate that polar bears diverged from brown bears between 250,000 and 130,000 years ago—a recent split when it comes to evolutionary history. Lasting genetic similarities make the two bears biological sister species, more closely related to one another than to any others." https://www.vitalground.org/polar-bears-grizzly-climate-change/#:~:text=Scientists%20estimate%20that%20polar%20bears,another%20than%20to%20any%20others. As the polar bear's habitat goes, so goes the species, another reflection of the decline of biodiversity globally (gracias al humano).