Species Wide Darwin Award Unfolding!
Alien Rubbernecks take note!
A Species-Wide Darwin Award is in the making for one volatile Earth species. Intergalactic visitors, please take a seat on the near side of The Moon. Fireworks could begin as soon as Jan 20, 2025.
An Earth species is suffering a terminal—well <ahem> maybe terminal outbreak of Moral Panic, the kind of manic panic that seems amusing, like The Salem Witch Trials, in the convex mirror. Immersive Socials + AI Addictions both add fuel to this Moral Panic Brainworm—and behold! A violence SPREE in the largest nuke fiefdom is underway.
Like the common cold,
Moral Panic does not keep itself to itself.
It’s contagious.
Infected ‘ORCS’ are hostile to freedom of speech && freedom of expression. Contrary opinions trigger orcish escalation: fury-posting, yelling at strangers, property damage, family fights, violence against others, violence against self. Toss in easy access to weapons (heh, Earthlings think their weaponry is ‘high tech')
and… Voilà!! ”A Brief Disagreement” (Steve Cutts)
Orcs hate all good races, especially elves, and enjoy satisfying their natural bloodlust. Orcs have vicious tempers && are utterly untrustworthy, though few creatures experience these character traits before being killed by an orc. (~DJ’s D&D World Wiki)
On Earth the infected species in question (very much in question!) has perfected weaponry powerful enough to destroy the entire fucking planet X times over. And any common madman could be elected to hold the power to detonate the weapons.
That adds up to YAY!! a Darwin Award incoming amiright !!
Dr Strangelove
“It will produce enough lethal radioactive fallout
so that within ten months, the surface of the Earth
will be as dead as the moon!!”
The species suffering the malady thinks Moral Panic is “Just a weird historic thing, like The Salem Witch Trials” and no particular cure for this witch-hunt disease has been advanced. Weird oversight, Earth species, Darwin’s gonna ding you for that!!
An Earthling Formerly Known As Twit is selling views of The Event from Mars. But—we don’t steer you wrong—Intergalactic Visitors should grab a seat on the beautiful, undeveloped Full Moon.
One concerned citizen voted “most likely to be chased by a pitchfork mob,” asked Charles Darwin Awards what cures may allay this ailment.
Dear friend, to tame the beast of Moral Panic, you could try:
media literacy,
open dialogue and debate,
evidence-based decision-making,
and a hang ten wave of Jon Stewart humor.
Keeping the Titanic Earth Ship on an even keel is not impossible. But hop to it, Earth bunnies. Fireworks could begin as soon as Jan 20, 2025.
coming next:
Are you kidding me? The morons in the submersible joy-riding to visit The Titanic at the bottom of the ocean. amiright godamighty
A Rules Based Order
*** Five Rules of Darwin Awards ***
* Reproduction * Out of the gene pool: dead or sterile.
* Self-Selection * Cause one's own demise.
* Excellence * Sublimely idiotic and unique misapplication of judgment.
* Maturity * Capable of sound judgment (in most circumstances)
* Veracity * The event must be true.
Planets also despair of their adolescent children's behavior...HOW Many ways is this planet's biome trying to destroy Earth? Sheesh, when your kids are unmanageable arsonists...